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Aug. 27, 2023

10 Style Mistakes And What To Do Instead

The inspiration for this blog post hit me while I was casually scrolling through Instagram. You know how it is – you stumble upon a guy who's masquerading as a Menswear god. I have to admit, it's amusing. The confidence he exudes in his outfits, even if they're off, is something to respect. Confidence can carry you far, no doubt about it. And being a New Yorker, well, we've got that reputation of knowing it all.

You might know that I dropped an ebook a while back called "The Seven Style Mistakes That You're Making Right Now". You can grab it for free here. But style blunders go way beyond seven. It's practically an endless list.

So I took the opportunity to present you with 10 more mistakes that you won't find in the book. From monogram placement to the length of your shirt collar, we've got a style-mistake goldmine here. Let's get right to it.





1. Name Dropping

Let's dive right in starting with mistake number one and that's brand obsession. Classic Menswear isn't all about flexing those big names as most of the pieces are very hard to tell apart from brand to brand. Recognizing them requires a keen eye for detail.

For example, I can tell some shoe brands apart due to their distinctive characteristics. St. Crispin, for example, is a brand that comes to mind but those are few and far between. It isn't about the name, but rather the quality. Telling me that something is fire just because of its name tells me everything that I need to know about you and your style.  


2. Cut Off That Label

Now, onto mistake number two, leaving the labels hanging on jacket sleeves. It's like an echo of the first blunder, all about that name-dropping hype. But fam, style has got no space for a brand billboard. Rocking a jacket with the brand name still attached to it? That's not the way.

Your style's your ID, not a commercial. It's all about tapping into that genuine sophistication, stepping beyond the label trap. And I don't care if it's Gucci.


I've seen it on younger dudes as they don't know any better. But a grown man? That's unacceptable 100% of the time. 


3. Too Heavy On The Flash

Moving onto style hiccup number three – the versatile suit dilemma. If you're only going to have a suit or two, it's crucial that the suit(s) in question should be as versatile as possible. 

One mistake that I encounter and I've done it myself is instead of getting a solid-colored suit like Navy or Charcoal, some choose to get a flashy suit such as pinstripes instead. I'm speaking from experience as my first decent suit once I started a new job was an ill-fitting Navy pinstripe. 

44 Long Pinstripe Navy Suit


Not only is such a suit too flashy for certain occasions like weddings and job interviews but more importantly, people will notice that you're wearing the same suit over and over again. If you're just starting your collection, the idea is to start with a suit that can be worn multiple times without drawing too much attention to itself. 

A Charcoal suit worn with a different shirt and tie may look like an entirely new suit. So save the bold patterns until you have your basics covered.

Charcoal Gray Suit


4. Overdoing It

Wearing a suit in 2023 is really all you need to do in order to turn heads, because let's face it, the casual takeover is real. So when you're stepping out suited up, you're already in the spotlight. You don't need the extra fireworks

Tying a big tie knot, oversized lapel pins, and rocking light brown shoes with dark suits is just doing too damn much. Less isn't just more, it's sleek, refined, and effortlessly cool. A plain white or light blue shirt will outshine an orange one every day of the week. 

So let's ditch the overzealous accessories and keep the essence of elegance alive. Mistake number four? Consider it conquered.


5. Hide Those Initials

Let's dive into error number five – the monogram placement madness. When I first dropped this bar on YouTube, I got hit with a barrage of dislikes. But hey, I'm not here to win a popularity contest. I'm here to drop style wisdom. Having your monogram smack dab on your cuffs? It's like waving a flag of style faux pas. But hey, I get it, you've seen it done, it's that custom-made signature, right?

To be fully transparent, I've been down that road too. But real talk, it's really corny. Now, before you get defensive, hear me out. I'm not anti-monogram. In fact, my custom shirts sport them too, just not in your face. I've got mine discreetly placed on my torso's left side. Yeah, it's there, but it not hogging the spotlight.


Here's the deal – nobody really cares about your initials besides yourself. Just remember, in the world of style, the goal is to be remembered, not noticed.


6. The Foundation

Not placing enough emphasis on your shoes when thinking of your outfit is a surefire sign that things will not go as well as you planned. Your shoes are the foundation of your wardrobe, everything else is secondary.

Ichigo Ichie Shoemaker


Once you understand that fact, only then will you be on your way to being the best-dressed that you can be. I would recommend a pair of black oxfords and a pair of dark brown oxfords to start. Both colors are extremely versatile. The black will be reserved for your more formal and somber occasions and the brown will be for everything else.

Budget-wise, you'll find the best bang for your buck around the $400 and up price point. But if You can't afford that, you can find something decent starting around $200.


7. Coming Up Short

Mistake number seven is all about those collar blues – the ones with short, awkward points. Trust me, your shirt collar isn't just an accessory; it's the gateway to your entire ensemble. Picture this: meeting someone new, the first focal point is your face, and just below it, your collar comes into play. Collar points, those little tips, should be tucked under your jacket lapel – the secret to a clean appearance.

Now, don't sweat it if you're unaware of this collar conundrum. You simply don't know what you don't know. Case in point: Prince Amukamara's recent press conference. A New York Giants retiree, he had a lot going on – a snug suit, an assortment of lapel pins, razor-thin lapels, an overflowing pocket square – but those collar points were the kicker. Too short, too offbeat. This isn't a jab at Prince; it's a gentle reminder that without proper guidance, these subtleties slip under the radar.


Here's the hack: collar points matter. Longer points complement a nice spread on a standard collar and create that elegant roll on a button-down, a mark of a well-executed collar. When shopping for shirts, the magic number is around 3.25" minimum for points – enough to ensure a smooth meld with your jacket's lapel. So, remember, your collar's the intro to your sartorial story – make it captivating.


8. Oxfords Aren't Casual 

Now, I know this one might ruffle a few feathers, even among the die-hard menswear crowd. But hear me out. If you're strutting in that business casual zone, where suits are off but sharpness is still on, my stance is clear: save those Oxfords for suit days. Let's get one thing straight – Oxfords are the granddaddies of formality, with closed lacing, setting the serious tone.

Split Toe Derbies


For a dapper business casual vibe, think loafers, derbies, chukkas – these are your wingmen. Now there are exceptions, of course, and it's all about the brogue game. The more holes and patterns you spy on the shoe (that's broguing, by the way), the more it leans casual. Wingtips, for instance, rock that brogue aesthetic.

Suede Oxfords


And here comes the curveball: suede Oxfords. The material switch-up tones down the formality, lending a dash of casual charm. So when you're pairing trousers and a sportcoat, there's a better dance partner than Oxfords in my opinion. Some might cry foul, but honesty is my style. There's a time and place for everything, and Oxford's realm is just a bit more refined. 


9. Navy's Not Gravy

Moving on to mistake number nine – the navy odd trouser blunder. Now, let's talk about the most iconic duo in the style world – the gray trousers and the navy sportcoat. Whoever stumbled upon this magic combo, hats off to them, because it's a symphony of elegance. You might chuckle, but we've dubbed it the "security guard look," not because security guards are known for their stylistic flair, but because of the colors' resemblance. But hey, we're not here to throw shade at security guards!

Now, the twist here is the misconception that since gray at the bottom and navy on top play so well together, the reverse should hold true. But hold your horses – navy trousers, particularly in the suiting-like worsted fabric, often scream "orphaned suit part." In simpler words, they look like you borrowed trousers from a suit and chose a different top. Yes, exceptions exist such as more casual fuzzy fabrics, but trust me, there's a treasure trove of better choices out there.

Navy Odd trousers 🫣


Opt for a spectrum of grays, browns, and even greens – anything but navy trousers. Remember, the key is to avoid giving off that suiting vibe while aiming for that snazzy business casual swag. It's a subtle art, fam. 


10. Quality Over Quantity

To cap it off neatly, we arrive at mistake number 10: cutting corners while prioritizing quantity over quality. It's no secret that menswear isn't synonymous with cheap, though I've debunked the myth that it's always expensive. The adage "buy once, cry once" holds weight here – investing in quality pays dividends in the long run. 

A mantra I preach is "Buy less, pay more." Imagine buying two ties for a hundred bucks versus investing in a $125 tie – the latter might sting at first, but it's a lifelong investment. It's not about amassing a closet full of stuff; it's about owning a collection of enduring pieces. This philosophy applies to shoes too – don't choose the cheapest available but rather the best that you can afford.

Remember, it's not about quantity; it's about quality. Allocate your budget to secure the best that aligns with your means. It's a common misstep, but investing wisely saves you from the pitfall of constantly renewing your wardrobe with subpar options.



In closing, this episode delved into 10 style mistakes. With these insights, you're equipped to navigate the intricacies of menswear, bolstering your style acumen and fostering a polished and enduring wardrobe.

f you need one-on-one help stepping up your Menswear, book a call with me directly and we can make it happen. I've been working with guys just like you for over a decade and nothing brings me more joy.

Stay tuned for more style tips and tricks on "I'm Not A Gentleman" and always remember to stay stylish!

